Check Us Out
Get to know the Brisbane Run Squad 'Run Lead' Team!
If you still haven’t heard of us, we guarantee that once you do you won’t be able to forget us.
Our team is made up of these passionate, knowledgeable, and hard working humans!!
Head Coach, Owner, Chief motivator & Trouble Maker
It's the 'nothing is too tough, nothing is unachievable, and nothing is insurmountable' attitude that makes Tim our go to for inspiration and advice.
Tim is experienced in 5km-500km runs, Ironman events, and lots of other crazy! Ask Tim for tips on running for life!
Tim is currently off running around the world aiming to break the record to be the fastest person ever!
Whatever running distance or situation is thrown at him, Daniel brings an enthusiasm and positivity which is infectious across the whole BRS squad.
He is always there keeping things on track. With impeccable social and organisational skills, Dan is the go to man for BRS social events and getting to know the squad.
Aim 'Run Lead', member support and social coordinator
Run lead and the quiet assassin
Nick excels and has extensive experience in a multitude of distances, quietly chipping away and more often than not, finishing top of the field. His commitment to running is unwavering. Nick is committed to injury prevention, and the importance of knowing and listening to your body.
Our researcher!
Run lead and Miss Attentive
Clare's love for running has gone from strength to strength since joining BRS a year ago. Clare can talk you through moving from a 10km runner to a 50km runner with slow and steady progress. More importantly though, she is one of the best listeners around and will certainly be attentive to your running needs!
With a mind for running and research, Bridget puts these two together to offer us the latest evidence-based answers to your health and running questions.  She also puts her research skills to use providing the ins and outs of: running events, social catch-ups, On Tour locations and itineraries. Need the detail, Bridget's your go to!